Monday, March 8, 2010

Internet Safety

We all know the dangers of technology and we all know how a great resource like the internet can be abused. We hear of online bullying, sexual abuse, and even violence that can start though the internet. Though it is true that these problems exist, at the same time there are much more good than there is bad. Letting fear of falling down didnt stop you from riding a bike and this is the attitude i have towards the dangers of the interent. There is too many useful tools and information on the internet to let the negative aspects of it get in the way.
There are also many ways of protecting yourself against these dangers and threats. More security, anti-virus software, encryption are coming out everyday and its coming to a point where the dangers are becoming easy to avoid. On facebook you can choose exactly who can see what information and easily change these settings in a few minutes. Online credit card purchases are becoming encrypted in extremely complex formulas. Even our own desktops are becoming so protected through multiple firewalls and anti-virus / anti-spyware that even if an unwanted person or program managed to get through,you would instantly know and be able to act accordingly. In the beginning of the internet, the dangers were enough to make people (including myself) steer clear of it but in this day and age it is crazy to avoid the internet because of those fears. The internet can bring you to amazing tools and resources in a safe way as long as you wear your helmet when you ride.
You can build an internet "helmet" using the following tools:

Symantec Anti-virus
This is a monthly subscribed program used to keep unwanted malicious software out, and quarantine / destroy it if it manages to get it. A must have for all internet users.

Spyboy S&D
Spybot search and destroy is a free program open to the public that protects against malicious, self-downloading software refereed to as spyware or adware. These can contain keyloggers and other dangerous tools that can record and transmit your information. Aside from that they slow your computer down immensely. Spybot is your shield against adware and is extremely effective in keeping them out and finding those that are already installed.

Net Nanny
This is a program that montitors and controls the use of internet. It can block certain sites, (individual sites or categories) limit amount of time spent on internet, or even show you the sites being accessed. This is an extremely powerful tool for parents and teachers.

Just these 3 tools alone protect you against 99% of internet threats and dangers. Using your "helmet" can make the internet one of the most powerful and useful tools in the entire world.